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Book Event

Vale Start Up Club I Clwb Busnesau Newydd Y Fro

15/07/2024 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Event Location: Glamorgan Suite

Event Address: Memo Arts Centre I Canolfan Y Celfyddydau, 7 Gladstone Road, Barry, Vale Of Glamorgan, CF62 8NA

Event Website: https://www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/en/working/Business-Support/Vale-Start-Up-Club.aspx

Contact Email Address: economic@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk

Vale Start Up Club I Clwb Busnesau Newydd Y Fro

Event Description

Join us for the Vale Start Up Club with our guest speaker Dr. Sarah Gore from Business Wales.  Sarah has over 10 years of experience working in the sustainability and climate change sector across both the public and private sector.  Our spotlight business is the Milkshed, Penarth plus there will be an opportunity to network. 

Business Wales Decarbonisation Advisers can provide carbon reduction and net zero advice to trading and start-up businesses in Wales through a variety of formats.  Businesses can work with the Decarbonisation Adviser on a 1:1 basis or access a range of online resources that can help them develop personalised carbon reduction plans, start calculating their GHG emissions, and to develop actions and net zero targets that embed long-term changes resulting in more efficient and sustainable ways of working.

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Clwb Busnesau Newydd Y Fro gyda'n siaradwraig wadd, Dr Sarah Gore o Busnes Cymru.  Mae gan Sarah dros 10 mlynedd o brofiad yn gweithio yn y sector cynaliadwyedd a newid yn yr hinsawdd yn y sector cyhoeddus a'r sector preifat.  Ein busnes dan sylw yw The Milkshed, Penarth a bydd cyfle hefyd i rwydweithio.

Gall Cynghorwyr Datgarboneiddio Busnes Cymru gynnig cyngor ar ostwng carbon ac ar sero net i fusnesau masnachu a busnesau newydd yng Nghymru trwy amrywiaeth o fformatau.  Gall busnesau weithio gyda'r Cynghorydd Datgarboneiddio ar sail 1:1 neu gael mynediad at ystod o adnoddau ar-lein a all eu helpu i ddatblygu cynlluniau lleihau carbon wedi’u teilwra, i ddechrau cyfrifo eu hallyriadau nwyon ty gwydr, ac i ddatblygu camau gweithredu a thargedau sero net sy'n ymgorffori newidiadau hirdymor gan arwain at ffyrdd mwy effeithlon a chynaliadwy o weithio.


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